How To Make Money as a Student in SA (Online and Contact)

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Online and offline, there are many ways to make more money. This is great, but it can be difficult to know where to invest your time. Here is a list that will help you find new affordable ways to make money online. Earn money by writing, vlogging, tutoring, hosting and even selling beauty and lifestyle products.

Create a YouTube Channel

YouTube is a well-known website. YouTube has long been the most popular website for entertainment and tutorials. Ever wonder how much YouTube stars make by making videos every year? Even though you can upload videos to YouTube from your phone, we recommend that you use a better quality camera. It may seem that it is too late for those who have started late to make this much money as the famous youtubers like "Vlad and Niki" or "PewDiePie" but it's never too late to get started. Even though they have a few thousand views per video, small YouTubers still make a good amount money. You only need to produce quality content that captivates people's attention. Promoting videos on a variety of social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. is a great idea.
You can make up to R20 per 1000 views. 

Online Tutor 


There is no better way to make money than helping others. You might be a pro at a particular subject, sport, or musical instrument. Why not share your knowledge with others? It will also help you to make a profit. Apply online for tutoring work at trusted tutoring sites. You get flexible working hours, you are provided with work materials, and you get a great pay-These are just some of the benefits of tutoring. Online tutors offer individual and group instruction via a virtual learning environment. 
Online tutors can communicate with students verbally or visually using a whiteboard and administer tests. They can also post homework assignments and share resources such as lecture notes and course material in a safe and controlled manner. You should expect to charge between R 380 - R 1100 per hour. You should also consider the complexity of the subject matter, grade level of the student, education level and overall experience as a tutor.

Become a hostess/club host

As a hostess, you are responsible for managing specific nights at a club. You will be responsible for managing the guest list, checking-in at the door, and making reservations. You might also be responsible for providing bottle service to tables. Your job is to make sure that nightclub events run smoothly. Sometimes the title host or hostess can refer to a similar job to that of a restaurant manager, but it is less managerial. Club hostess duties include working with management and other staff members to deliver top-quality service to clients.
She is to make sure that all customers have a good time. She is to be the ears and eye of the restaurant. Club hostesses are responsible for directing clients to their seats, and making sure that they are properly served. After clients have been cleared by security, they will be entertained by her. A club's hostess should be able to handle guests well and encourage them to purchase more items (food and drinks). This will increase revenue. The hostess is expected to dress professionally and be attractive, as well as to be friendly and interactive. As this could impact the way clients respond to company offers. Club hostess will be the first to greet guests when they enter the restaurant. She must therefore be aware of her role and perform it perfectly.

Brand Reseller

As a brand reseller you get to decide the rules. You can live your life to your own terms. This opportunity is not like a standard "9/5 job". You can earn your goals and work towards them, regardless of their height. Avon, Inuka and Herbalife are just some of the most prominent brands in South Africa. To be an Inuka brand reseller (for example) you must:

1. Get a business kit, (INUKA offers 5 business kits). You can start your business as low as R600 INUKA business kits come with a range of top-selling products as well as all the business tools needed to start your INUKA company.
2. Send your completed INUKA registration form along with proof of payment to When making your deposit, use your name and your cellphone number as a reference
3. Read the INUKA Senior and Beyond Business Guide, which will be included in your Business Kit. It will explain the business terminology as well as the compensation plan.
The amount you earn will be determined by the amount of people that buy Inuka products from you. 
To sell Avon products, you must go to the Avon website (online) then:

  • 1) Click on "Apply Now" to go to "Your Avon". Enter your name, address and preferred language. To complete the sign up process, click "Submit" then wait for an Avon representative to contact you.
  • 2) You can also directly contact Avon representatives to sign up. Ask your friend/relative/colleague to sign you up if they are selling Avon. They are eligible for incentives by recruiting other members.
  • 3) Avon is available in all parts of the world. Check with your local office for information about what fees you'll need to pay.

Assignment writer


You might be wondering if you could hire someone to help you with your homework/ assessments/ assignments. Many students find it difficult to write assignments digitally. Writing long assignments is not something that everyone can do well because they require a lot of research, knowledge and time. To add to this, there are other reasons, such as lack understanding of the topic, or inability to understand the expectations of the assignment. 
This makes it difficult and frustrating to complete assignments. So they might require assistance with their assignment writing and be willing to pay for your help. Depending on the type and length of the assignment, you can expect to charge between R150 and R500. Higher pages (or more words) will result in a higher price because it requires more research, understanding, and skill. If your customer requests that you complete an assignment/ research paper within a short time frame, you can charge more. This means that you will have to prioritize the work (i.e. you only have 12 hours). To catch more articles as soon as we publish subscribe to Sa Varsity Student via email on the sidebar or you can like us on Facebook, go here to like our page.

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