The Standard Bank CIB Technology Graduate Programme - Experience Design

21:16 Monrovia 0 Comments


In the dynamic landscape of financial services, innovation and technological advancement are pivotal. Recognizing this, Standard Bank has established the Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB) Technology Graduate Programme, with a special focus on Experience Design. This initiative is designed to foster new talent in the realm of technology and user experience, preparing graduates to lead the charge in a rapidly evolving industry.

About Standard Bank

Standard Bank, one of Africa's largest financial institutions, was established in 1862 in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. The bank's inception aimed to cater to the financial needs of the expanding colonial economy, which was heavily influenced by the burgeoning diamond and gold industries. Initially known as The Standard Bank of British South Africa, it rapidly expanded its operations across Southern Africa, setting up branches in Johannesburg, Pretoria, and Durban. By the early 20th century, the bank had established a strong presence throughout the region, offering a wide range of financial services and contributing significantly to the economic development of Southern Africa.

Over the decades, Standard Bank has undergone substantial transformations, aligning itself with the evolving economic and political landscapes. In 1962, it rebranded to Standard Bank of South Africa Limited and continued to diversify its operations. The 1980s and 1990s were marked by significant international expansion, with the bank establishing a foothold in various African countries and beyond. Embracing technological advancements, Standard Bank was a pioneer in adopting digital banking solutions, which has cemented its position as a modern, forward-thinking financial institution. Today, Standard Bank is not only a key player in Africa's banking sector but also a symbol of resilience and adaptability, continually evolving to meet the dynamic needs of its clients across the continent and globally.

Understanding the Programme

The Standard Bank CIB Technology Graduate Programme is a comprehensive, multi-faceted training initiative aimed at equipping recent graduates with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the financial technology sector. The Experience Design track, a cornerstone of this programme, emphasizes the importance of creating user-centric financial solutions. This track is crucial because it bridges the gap between complex financial systems and the end-users who rely on these services.

Qualifications Required

Candidates for the Standard Bank CIB Technology Graduate Programme - Experience Design should possess a postgraduate qualification, either completed or on track to be completed in 2024. This qualification can be in:

·         Design Studies

·         Information Systems

·         Computer Science

·         Graphic Design

·         Interaction Design

·         Human-Computer Interaction

·         User Experience Design

·         Or a related field.

This diverse range of disciplines ensures that candidates have a strong foundational knowledge and specialized skills relevant to the multifaceted nature of experience design in a financial context.

Experience Required

Applicants should have participated in relevant workshops, conferences, or online courses related to finance and design, as these experiences can provide valuable insights and enhance their professional development. The ideal candidate will have up to 2 years of experience in a design-related role, preferably within the finance industry or a corporate setting. Experience working in startups or design agencies is also advantageous, as it demonstrates adaptability and a wide range of design skills.

Portfolio and Technical Skills

Candidates must submit a link to an online portfolio showcasing their design work. This portfolio should demonstrate proficiency in designing for web and mobile platforms, including examples of user interfaces, user experience flows, and interactive prototypes. The ability to showcase practical and impactful design solutions is critical. Additionally, proficiency in design software such as Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, XD) and Sketch is required. Familiarity with prototyping tools like Figma is preferred, and a basic understanding of front-end development technologies (HTML, CSS) is a plus. This technical proficiency ensures candidates can effectively contribute to the design and implementation of user-centric financial solutions.

The Role of Experience Design

Experience Design in the context of financial services focuses on crafting intuitive, efficient, and engaging interfaces that enhance user interaction with banking products and services. This involves understanding user needs, behaviors, and pain points, and then designing solutions that not only meet these needs but also exceed expectations.

In the Standard Bank CIB Technology Graduate Programme, graduates delve into various aspects of Experience Design, including:

·         User Research and Analysis

Understanding the target audience through surveys, interviews, and analytics to gather insights on user behavior and preferences.

·         Interface Design

Creating visually appealing and functional interfaces that facilitate smooth user interaction.

·         Prototyping and Testing

Developing prototypes and conducting usability tests to refine and optimize design solutions.

·         Collaboration with Development Teams

Working closely with software developers to ensure that design visions are effectively implemented and maintained.

Programme Structure and Learning Experience

The Experience Design track is structured to provide a balanced blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Graduates participate in a series of workshops, seminars, and hands-on projects that cover the latest trends and techniques in user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design.

·         Mentorship and Guidance

One of the key strengths of the programme is its mentorship component. Experienced professionals from Standard Bank and industry experts guide graduates, offering insights and advice that are invaluable in navigating the complexities of Experience Design in the financial sector. This mentorship ensures that graduates not only gain technical skills but also develop a strategic understanding of how to apply these skills in real-world scenarios.

·         Real-World Projects

Graduates are given the opportunity to work on real-world projects that have a tangible impact on Standard Bank's operations. This hands-on approach allows participants to apply their learning in practical settings, working on projects that range from mobile banking apps to sophisticated financial platforms. These projects provide a platform for graduates to showcase their creativity and problem-solving abilities, contributing to their professional growth and confidence.

·         Career Prospects and Opportunities

Upon completion of the programme, graduates are well-prepared to embark on careers in Experience Design and related fields. The skills acquired during the programme are highly sought after in the financial industry and beyond, including sectors such as technology, consultancy, and digital marketing.

How to Apply?

Applications close on the 30th of June 2024. Click here to apply.

Standard Bank's CIB Technology Graduate Programme serves as a launchpad for a rewarding career, offering a unique blend of technical training, practical experience, and professional development. Graduates emerge as proficient, innovative, and user-focused professionals ready to drive the future of financial technology. Click here to apply.


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