The Investec Navigate Exposure Programme

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Are you a final year student nearing graduation and eager to dive into the exciting world of finance? Look no further than Investec's Navigate programme! This intense two-day exposure program is designed to equip students from various disciplines with a taste of what a career at Investec could look like.

About Investec

Investec, established in 1974 in Johannesburg, South Africa, began as a small leasing and financing company. Over the years, it has grown into an international specialist banking and asset management group, renowned for its focus on delivering distinctive profitable solutions for its clients in three core areas: Asset Management, Wealth & Investment, and Specialist Banking. The company's founders, Larry Nestadt, Errol Grolman, and Ian Kantor, steered it through various expansions and acquisitions, including the significant merger with London-based Allied Trust Bank in 1992. This merger marked Investec's entry into the UK market, setting the stage for its international growth and the establishment of a dual-listed company structure on the London and Johannesburg Stock Exchanges in 2002.

Throughout its history, Investec has maintained a strategy of sustainable growth and a commitment to creating long-term value for its stakeholders. It has differentiated itself through its entrepreneurial culture, deep client relationships, and emphasis on risk management. The 2000s and 2010s saw Investec diversify its services and geographic footprint, with notable expansions in Europe, Asia, and Australia. In 2020, Investec demerged its asset management business, listing it separately as Ninety One, to sharpen its focus on banking and wealth management. This strategic move underscored Investec's adaptability and commitment to remaining a significant player in the financial services sector, continually evolving to meet the dynamic needs of its global clientele.

What to Expect During the Investec Navigate Programme

Navigate offers a unique opportunity to step outside the classroom and gain practical insights into the inner workings of a leading financial institution. Participants will be exposed to a range of activities, including:

Interactive workshops

Engage in hands-on learning sessions led by industry experts who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. These workshops cover a broad spectrum of finance-related topics, ranging from wealth management strategies to the intricacies of investment banking. Participants are encouraged to ask questions, participate in discussions, and work on practical exercises that simulate real-world financial scenarios. This interactive format not only enhances understanding but also allows participants to immediately apply what they learn, solidifying their knowledge through practice.

Real-world case studies

Dive into complex, real-life business challenges through detailed case studies that reflect the current issues and dynamics of the financial industry. Working in collaborative groups, participants analyze these cases, develop strategic solutions, and present their findings. This approach fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to work effectively in a team. By tackling these real-world problems, participants gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities of financial decision-making and are better prepared to handle similar situations in their professional careers.

Networking opportunities

Build valuable connections with Investec professionals and peers through structured networking events and informal interactions. These opportunities allow participants to gain insights into the diverse career paths within Investec, hear firsthand experiences, and receive advice on navigating the financial industry. Networking sessions are designed to facilitate meaningful conversations, where participants can ask questions about specific roles, company culture, and future job opportunities. This exposure helps in building a professional network that can provide support, mentorship, and potential career advancements in the future.

Who Should Apply for Investec Navigate?

This program is ideal for final year students from any discipline who are curious about the world of finance and possess the following qualities:

·         Entrepreneurial spirit

A drive to be "Out of the Ordinary," which is a core value at Investec.

·         Strong work ethic

A willingness to learn and a commitment to excellence.

·         Excellent communication and teamwork skills

The ability to collaborate effectively with others.

Documents Required

·         Updated CV

·         Matric certificate

·         All academic transcripts to date

·         ID

·         Headshot image of yourself

Benefits of Participating in Investec Navigate

Gaining valuable industry exposure

You'll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of finance, observing and participating in day-to-day operations within a leading financial institution. This firsthand exposure provides an authentic look at what a career in finance entails, from the intricacies of financial analysis to the strategic decision-making processes involved in investment and wealth management. You'll gain a deep understanding of the industry's demands, trends, and challenges, which will be invaluable as you navigate your own career path.

Developing essential skills

Throughout the program, you'll hone critical skills that are fundamental to success in the financial sector. Problem-solving will be a core focus, as you'll be tasked with analyzing complex financial situations and developing effective solutions. Communication skills will be sharpened through presentations, report writing, and client interactions, ensuring you can convey complex information clearly and persuasively. Additionally, teamwork will be emphasized, as collaborative projects will require you to work effectively with diverse groups, mirroring the collaborative nature of the financial industry.

Building your network

The program offers numerous opportunities to connect with seasoned industry professionals, mentors, and peers. These connections are invaluable for gaining insights into various career paths, understanding industry expectations, and receiving guidance on professional development. By building a robust professional network, you'll have access to a wealth of knowledge and support that can aid you throughout your career. Networking events, mentorship programs, and collaborative projects will all contribute to expanding your professional contacts.

Getting a competitive edge

Participating in this program will significantly enhance your resume, demonstrating to potential employers that you have practical experience, industry exposure, and a well-rounded skill set. The hands-on training and real-world projects you engage in will set you apart from other candidates, showcasing your ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings. Moreover, the professional connections you establish and the insights you gain will position you as a well-prepared and competitive candidate in the job market, giving you a distinct advantage as you pursue your career in finance.

How to Apply for Investec Navigate

Applications are done online via the Investec website. They open on the 1st of July and close on the 31st of July annually. Click here to be led to the Investec application page.

By participating in Navigate, you'll gain invaluable insights into the world of finance and take a significant step towards charting your course for a successful career at Investec.


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